My cellphone died this week and my beloved Dell Axim is committing a slow, pixelated suicide. After a lot of contemplating, I chose to follow the herd and get an iPhone. Not the iPhone 4, but an iPhone 3 GS with 16 GB of memory. I like to ride the backside of technology. It is cheaper and more reliable.
Alas, I don’t have the ability to do video chat but it’s probably better that way. Who wants to see what I am purchasing at Freddies or what I look like fresh from working in my garden?
Anyway, the point is not that I bought an iPhone but that I really want to save up enough money to design and purchase one of these beautiful, custom laser etched bamboo cases from Oregon’s Grove.
Think of all of the work I could get done for the Ambridge Event Center if my smart phone was this lovely to look at!
If you aren’t creative, no worries. They also offer an artist series featuring designs like Merman, Tribal and my favorite Birdland by Sven Palmowski.
If you’ve bought an iPhone what do you think of it? Does it really change everything? What are your favorite business, productivity and artsy i Phone apps?
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