At the Ambridge Event Center we know your Quinceañera is more than just a ceremony; it is a change for you to express who you are and the woman you are becoming. While some elements of a Quinceañera are nearly universal, including the misa de accion de gracias (Thanksgiving mass) and the Naje (journey) or Fiesta (birthday bash), how you combine and express those traditions and make them yours is up to you. Planning your Quinceañera may seem overwhelming at first but our staff can help you and your family make some key decisions that will streamline the process. At the Ambridge Event Center, we know how important your Quinceañera is to you, your family and your community. We offer beautiful rooms and dance floors in a wide range of sizes to ensure that your festejada, damas, and chambelans have plenty of space to enjoy themselves. Our chef will help you create the perfect menu of traditional and modern dishes, and those home cooked favorites that your Quinceañera would be incomplete without. At the Ambridge Event Center, your Quinceañera will become a reflection of you, your family and tradition.
Quinceañera Packages for 2011 Quinceañera site available (50 – 300 guests) Quinceañera and reception include: